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How do we begin a NOREX membership?
Sign a 1-page Service Agreement and receive immediate access to NOREX resources! Contact us at [email protected] to request a Service Agreement.
What does the NOREX membership fee cover?
NOREX Members receive unlimited access to the NOREX resources including the Document Resources online database of 2,500+ Member-contributed documents, live and virtual Roundtable events, and resource / networking assistance from your Member Success Manager. There are no extra charges per document, per event, or per hour. Contact us today to learn more!
What is NOREX Select?
Who has access?
How are NOREX services accessed?
Members may email or call during normal business hours (Central Time) to connect with your NOREX Member Success Manager or IT resource assistant for personal assistance. Online resources and event registration are available 24/7 at www.norex.net.
How do we know we will use NOREX services?
Our strong renewal rate suggests that your organization will use NOREX services a great deal. Your Member Success Manager will contact you to proactively onboard your team. Usage reports are available.
Are there obligations of NOREX membership?
Every NOREX Member is encouraged to help other Members whenever possible by submitting documents, taking an occasional phone call, and by participating in events. However, knowing the time and / or disclosure restraints faced by some, there is no requirement to contribute. One Member describes it this way, “As a result of the value we receive from NOREX Members, we jump at the chance to help other Members whenever there is an opportunity.” Learn more by contacting us today!
Will we get calls from other NOREX Members?
Can we sample NOREX services?
We are happy to provide sample IT documents to you, and you are welcome to participate in NOREX IT events as a guest before committing to a membership. We also invite you to discuss the benefits of membership with current NOREX Members. Contact us today or request a guest pass to one of our virtual IT conferences or our live IT conferences.